Extract from the Commercial Register
Entry Date: 6 June 1991
Commercial name: ODRA TRADING , spol. s r.o.
Registered office: Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava, U parku 2645/10, ZIP Code 702 00
Identification number: 166 28 691
Legal form: Limited liability company
Subject of business:
- Purchase of goods for resale and sale
- Polygraphic production
Statutory body:
Ing. Vladimír Adámek, r.č. 530113/346
Ostrava 1, Veleslavínova 16, ZIP Code 701 00
Date of taking office: 1 January 1992
Manner of acting on behalf of the company:
The executive acts independently on behalf of the company.
Ing. Vladimír Adámek, birth reg. no. 530113/346
Ostrava 1, Veleslavínova 16, ZIP Code 701 00
Contribution: 100 000,- CZK
Paid: 100 %
Commercial share: 100 %
Registered capital: 100 000,- CZK
Other facts:
- Date of concluding the articles of incorporation: 17 May 1991.